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AlkaViva is WQA Gold Seal Certified!

Gold Seal CertifiedBoth the AlkaViva Athena JS205 and the Melody JP104 have been tested and certified to the NSF/ANSO 372 standard for lead. The Athena and Melody ionizers are manufactured and assembled in South Korea by Emco Tech, using cells from Emco Tech’s Japan manufacturing facility.

What is in your drinking water is a huge concern to us at AlkaViva, but have you ever considered what your drinking water products are made of? Did you know that there is a Federal Low Lead Compliance Act that takes affect Jan. 1, 2014? Here at AlkaViva we are 100% in support of this and think that this Federal Act is a very good decision that will protect a lot of people.

We have been working for quite some time to get our products certified to the highest standards available, NSF/ANSI-372 and are proud to announce that we have done just that with third party independent Gold Seal testing performed by the WQA!

For those of you who may not know the WQA the Water Quality Association (WQA) is a not-for-profit international trade association representing the residential, commercial and industrial water treatment industry. WQA maintains a close dialogue with other organizations representing different aspects of the water industry in order to best serve consumers, government officials, and industry members.

WQA is a resource and information source, a voice for the industry, an educator for professionals, a laboratory for product testing, and a communicator to the public.

Company details are:
CEO Jeffery Lee
520-5, Sung Ne Dong, Kang Dong Gu
Seoul, South Korea
Phone: 031-812-1090
Website: www.royalwater.com